Locations and Venues

Getting the display of Venue names and Addresses is a little bit complex, especially if you have Online events.

Venues and Addresses are a premium feature, if you need help with this and this article is not clear please ask for help from our support.

Eventbrite for physical events has a Venue Name and also Address fields. The plugin allows you to allocate these.

For online events there is no address, but if you have a mixture of online and physical events and what to show the physical address the plugin allows you to allocate a generic pseudo address to and online Event, e.g. By Zoom.

The most common physical address to use would be what Eventbrite call ‘localized_address_display’.

An example shortcode to display just the Venue Name would be
[wfea layout=card limit=3 venue_name=true] online events will display with the venue ‘Online’.

An example shortcode to display Venue Name and localized_address with a mixture of physical and online events would be
[wfea layout=card limit=3 venue_name=true location=localized_address_display online_events_address_text="localized_address_display:by Zoom" ]

Note that we have to tell the plugin what address field to use because perhaps you would want to use city and so the shortcode would be

[wfea layout=card limit=3 venue_name=truelocation="city" online_events_address_text="city:by Zoom" ]

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