There are not very many settings. However, you may want to set up your XML import process in WP All Import Pro first as you will need the trigger URL.
Different agency back office systems have different combination of zipped and not zipped files. The plugin tries to cope with most combinations.
1. Provide the file name of your .blm file
- The filename can contain wildcards e.g. my*.BLM
- The filename is case sensitive
- If you have a single zip file that contains both a blm file and all images, specify the zip filename here, wildcards work, e.g. my*.zip. The zip file must contain only one blm file with the extension .blm (case insensitive)
2. Only if you have a separate zip file of images specify the image file here, wildcards work, e.g. images*.zip (this file should not contain a blm file)
3. Set the frequency that the plugin will check for a new file, this needs to be in WordPress cron format, e.g. hourly, twicedaily, daily
4. Wait time is the time to wait after the file has first been seen. This is because a copy of all the images to your server may take a long time, so it is best to wait a while before processing.
5. If you want to trigger an import via All Import Pro then you should enter the trigger url from your All Import Pro import cron scheduling page.
6. Then save your settings.