Shortcode Details

The best way to explore the shortcode is to use the dynamic shortcoder builder here. One of the great things about the shortcode builder – is you can use your won Eventbrite data so can test and see what your events are doing. The rest of this page is the detailed reference documentation of the shortcode. If you are a pro customer and unsure what options to use please raise a support ticket.

For pricing comparative chart visit the plugin plans page here.

the basic shortcode is



Free Layout

widget – uses the same layout as the widget


Fledgling Layouts

Grid Layout

A responsive 3 column grid layout. Ideal to get many events on one page. Can easily be adjusted by CSS to 4or 2 columns to suit your theme.

Widget Layout

A compact style ideal for lists and suitable for sidebars and confined space.

Default Layout

Styled to look like the Eventbrite landing page. An be used for a list or single events.

Card Layout

A clean and simple card layout rows that flex to your layout.

High Powered Layouts


An Accordian layout with teh ability to group on practically any data. Also can be 'headless' if you want to use within your own acccordion page builder block.

Short Date

A pretty, row based layout starting with a short date. With a modal popup with full event details, so coupled with popup tickets can provide a full onsite experience.

Slider Layout

A slider layout suitable for hero section. A choice of two designs 'hero' and 'standard' with optional slide navigation tabs.

Calendar List Layout

A list format calendar layout.

Calendar Layout

A classic month grid of days, calendar layout.

Venue Layout

A flexible layout with style options for card, grid, list and dark themes and light themes. Ideal for Music Promoters and similar event managers.

You can define which layout is used like this, different layouts may warrant different total number of events ( limit )

[wfea layout='1']
[wfea layout='grid' limit='6']
[wfea layout='cal' limit='9999']

[wfea layout='cal_list'  limit='9999']

[wfea layout='venue' style='light' limit='10']
[wfea layout='venue' style='dark card' limit='10']
[wfea layout='venue' style='grid light card' limit='10']
[wfea layout='slider' style='hero' thumb_original=true limit=1 ]
[wfea layout='slider' style='standard slide_selectors' thumb_original=true limit=4 ]

[wfea layout='widget']

Which can be used on pages or post as appropriate.

There are many additional shortcode options giving you flexibility to chose what you need. You can see many examples of these in action on the demo website.

Free Options

Display Book Now Button

Option: booknow [default true] (true or false) if true displays a call to action button

Display Event Date/Time in Heading

Option: date [default true] (true or false) if true displays the date / time of the event

Display Excerpt of Event Summary

Option: excerpt [default true] (true or false) if true an excerpt of the Summary on Eventbrite will be displayed – please note Eventbrite UI provides the Summary description to the API, this is limited by Eventbrite to 140 characters. If you want the full description set long_description to true.

Display High Res Image

Option: thumb_original [default false] (true or false) Use the original uploaded image instead of the optimised image. Use this for large ‘hero’ type layouts.

Display Image

Option: thumb [default true] (true or false) if true displays the thumbnail image from Eventbrite, please note Eventbrite by default provide an image optimised and limited in size ( approx 400px to 450px depending on various factors ), bear this in mind when designing wide layouts. If you need higher resolution images set thumb_original to true.

Display Layout

Option: layout[default 1] (text)  defines the layout template, this is used for your various plan templates or as an advanced developer feature to allow custom templates.

Display Read More Link on Excerpt

Option: readmore [default true] (true or false) if true will display a read more link after excerpt. Link will go to Eventbrite.

Enable Debug Display

Option: debug [default false] (true or false) displays return data from Eventbrite, useful for problem solving or developing custom layouts

Enable link to EB Ticket page

Option: tickets  [default false]  (true or false) default is false, if true the call to action button link goes straight to the ticket modal of the Eventbrite page rather than the Evenbrite event description page

Enable link to EB to open in New Tab

Option: newtab [default false]  (true or false) if true any clicked link will be open in a new tab

Select Event Status

Option: status [default live] (text  live,started,ended,canceled,draft,all ) comma separated list of event status, e.g. if you want prior events used ended,started ( note the spelling of canceled )

Set Book Now Wording

Option: booknow_text [default Register »] (text) text for the call to action button

Set Custom CSS Class

Option: css_class [default nothing] (text) sets an additional CSS class for the whole section, used by developers

Set Custom CSS ID#

Option: cssID [default nothing] (text) sets the CSS ID for the whole section, used by developers

Set Event Ordering

Option: order_by [default asc] (text  asc | desc) asc = ascending date, desc = descending, created_asc = ascending by creation ( i.e. recently added )  created_desc = descending by creation – useful if showing events in the past published_asc = ascending by publication on EB ( i.e. recently published on EB )  published_desc = descending by publication on EB see demo here

Set Image Alignment

Option: thumb_align [default eaw-aligncenter(text) Widget Template Only – class for the thumbnail image alignment, preset values are eaw-alignleft, eaw-aligncenter, eaw-alignright.

Set Image Default

thumb_default [default ] (text url) link to a default image that will be used if no image provided by Eventbrite. You may need to adjust this to suit your template.

Set Image Width

Option: thumb_width [default 300 ] (integer) Widget Template Only – sets the thumbnail width as in the way the widget can

Set Length of Description

Option: length [default 50]  ( +ve integer ) the number of words of description to display ( length will be ignored if you set content to true to get the full html )

Set Number of Events to Display

Option: limit  [default 5] ( +ve integer ) sets the number of events to display, the soonest first, good idea on calendar layouts to set this to a large number like 9999

Set Read More Wording

Option: readmore_text [default Read More »] (text) text for the read more link

Set Widget wrap div

Option: widgetwrap [default true ] (true or false) Widget Template Only - add an additional widget wrapper around the output to use the default widget style - when the shortcode is used in an article. Set to false if the shortcode is used in a text widget or you are custom st

Fledgling Plan Options

Display Date/Time in Detail Section

Option: show_date_time [default true] (true or false) If you do not want the date / time in the event detail section show_date_time="false" - this is useful for music presenters when setting music_show_door_time="true" to avoid too many times

Display Full HTML Description

Option: long_description [default false] Use the long description rather than summary ( only use this for the new interface where you get both summary and full description options ), optionally you may want to use this when content=’true’ to get the HTML markup.

Display Full Length Description

Option: content [default false] (true or false) setting content=’true’ will display full text from Eventbrite rather than apply excerpt shortening filters ‘eawp_excerpt‘  ( see here if you want to tweak them ), and the excerptlengthreadmore and readmore_text parameters will be ignored. If you want full HTML use this in conjunction with long_description

Display Only Start Time

Option: show_end_time [default true] (true or false) If your only want start time set show_end_time="false"

Display Venue Name

Option: venue_name [default false] (true or false) Output the venue name.

Enable Duplicate Events ( Multi-Organisation )

deduplicate[default true] (true or false) if your API key covers multiple organizations you the events can sometimes be duplicated, by default the plugin removes duplicated event ids. If for some reason you want to show duplicates set to ‘false’

Filter Anything

Option: search [default nothing]  keyword(s) or urlencode regex to search across titles, location names and  description of the Events in your Eventbrite Account e.g. search="chemistry" will pull back all of your events that mention the word chemistry in title, location or description in your Eventbrite organisation. See using regex in shortcodes.

Filter by Tag

Option: tags [default nothing] (text csv / encoded regex ) tags allows you to select just events where the tags matches this filter, you can specify a list of tags and it would match any in the list. You can also use regexes. It you specify this filter it will not return events that have zero tags. See article on using regular expressions in shortcodes.

Filter Events by Title

Option: filter_title [default nothing] (text / encoded regex ) filter_title allows you to select just events where the title matches this filter. See article on using regular expressions in shortcodes.

Filter from a Date

start_date_range_start  [default none] (date strings) The date range can (and should) be relative  e.g. start_date_range_start='first day of -3 months' start_date_range_end='+1 year'   would show the prior 3 months and the next year  ( would require also status='ended,started,live' )

Filter Only First of a Series

Option: first_of_series [default false] (true or false)  If set to true, only the first displayed event of a linked series of events will be displayed.

Filter Only Online Events

Option: online_events_only [default false]  (true or false) if true only online events will be displayed. If false or not given, all events online & physical will be displayed.

Filter Show Private Events

Option: display_private [default true] (true or false) if true displays private events.

Filter until a Date

start_date_range_end [default none] (date strings) best to use a start and end pair.   The date range can (and should) be relative  e.g. start_date_range_start='first day of -3 months' start_date_range_end='+1 year'   would show the prior 3 months and the next year  ( would require also status='ended,started,live' )

Filter Venue Name

Option: filter_location [default nothing] (text / encoded regex ) filter_allows allows you to filter on the location name. Power users can use a regular expression, see article on using regular expressions in shortcodes.

Select Categories by ID

Options: category_id [default nothing]  (integer, or comma separated list) limit to a specific category id(s) – finding the category_id isn’t simple as you need the internal number. You can look up the list see this guide. You can also use in a test post to see the underlying data of your event if you want to check the ID of your event. You can specify a list of ids separated by commas.

Select Event(s) by ID

Option: eb_id[default nothing] (text) Eventbite ID – If you want to display a single event by ID – e.g. featured event, or several events. e.g. eb_id=’12345678′ or a comma separated list eb_id=’12345678,99887766,111222333′

Select Organiser ID

Option: organizer_id [default nothing]  (integer) limit to a specific organiser id if you have several - finding the organizer_id isn't simple as you need the internal number - this guide( Finding Organizer Id) is one way to get that information.

Select Organization ID

Option: organization_id [default nothing]  (integer) limit to a specific organisation id if you have several organizations on the same account / API key. The easiest way to find your Organization ID(s) is use your own APi key in the Event Demo page.

Select Subcategory ID

Option: subcategory_id [default nothing]  (integer) limit to a specific subcategory id (often not used) - finding the venue_id isn't simple as you need the internal number. You can list the subcategory IDs here. Also you can use [wfea debug='true' eb_id='youreventid'] to see the underlying data of your event to see the IDs..

Select Type ID

format_id [default nothing] (text) Eventbite Type ID - The format, or as Eventbrite front end calls it Type, specifies the type of event, e.g. Conference, Class, Rally etc. Each Type has a numeric ID - you can find this easily by using the demo.

Select Venue ID

Option: venue_id [default nothing]  (integer) limit to a specific venue id - finding the venue_id isn't simple. The easiest way is to use your API key in the dynamic shortcoder builder and start typing any thing in the Venue ID box.

Set ‘No Events Found’ Text

Option: no_events_found_text [default nothing] ( text ) Useful if you have different shortcodes to filter different events e.g. categories, past & future to put in context 'No Events Found'.

Set Predetermined Style for Layout

Option: style [default 'default'] (text) some layouts have multiple styles - e.g. dark, light, dark card, light card

Set Venue Display Field

Option: location  [default nothing] ( selection of values ) If a value is set that will be used in the display for location. Possible values are name, address_1, address_2, city, postal_code, country, localized_address_display, localized_area_display. Generally you should pick name or one of the localized options.

Set Venue for Online Events

Option: online_events_address_text [default nothing] (text) Online events do not have an address so if you want to filter by location there is nothing to filter or display the venue you will get a warning. A structured string of field:value pairs separated by commas. e.g. localized_display_address: Webinar, city: Online
You can use these address fields

Set Venue Title

Option: location_title [default nothing] ( text ) If you are displaying a location, then you may want a title, use this text field for that title.

Show Tags

Option: show_tags [default false] true,false ) If set tags data will be retrieved by extra API calls. Currently no standard templates use this, but is here for custom templates.

High Powered Plan Options

(Music) Display Age Restriction

music_show_age_restriction [default false] (true or false) only available to Evenbrite Music Promoters. Displays any age restriction set.

(Music) Display Door Time

music_show_door_time [default false] (true or false) only available to Evenbrite Music Promoters. Displays door time when set.

(Music) Display Presented by line

music_show_presented_by [default false] (true or false) only available to Evenbrite Music Promoters. Displays the presented by text.

(Music) Enable Direct to External Site

direct_to_external[default true] (true or false) Music platform only. Music promoters can specify external ticketing sites – in this case by default the link will be to the, but if you want to go to the intermediate Evenbrite page, set this to false. In post cases onsite popup checkout is disabled for external ticket events as it contains nothing useful .

(Music) Set Age Restriction Label

music_show_age_restriction_label[default ‘Min. Age: ‘] ( text ) If you are displaying age restriction, then you may want a label, use this text field for that label.

(Music) Set Door Time Label

music_show_door_time_label[Default ‘Doors: %1$s | Show: %2$s’] ( text ) If you are displaying door time, then this text will be displayed – placeholder %1$s contains the door time and %2$s the show time.

(Music) Set Door Time text when there is none

music_show_door_no_time_label[default ‘Show: %s’] ( text ) If you are displaying door time, but an event doesn’t have a specified door time, then this text will be displayed – placeholder %s is the show time.

(Music) Set Presented by label

music_show_presented_label[default nothing] ( text ) If you are displaying age restriction, then you may want a label, use this text field for that label.

(Music) Set Tickets at the Door button text

tickets_at_the_door_button [default nothing] (text) If specified, the buy now button will display the text if tickets are set to be ‘at the door’ e.g. tickets_at_the_door_button=”Buy at Door”. By default this will have a class of tickets_at_the_door__link so you can style differently. you can override the class by separating the text with a comma e.g. tickets_at_the_door_button=”Tickets at Door!,my-class-1 my-class-2″

Display Availability

show_availability [default 0] (int) Provide a +ve integer and the number of tickets available will display, or ‘sold out’. If the number of tickets is greater tan the number specified it will simply say ‘Tickets are available’, but if under that number it will say how many are left, if you specify show_availability=“9” and there are 5 tickets left it will say 5 tickets left, but if there are a hundred tickets it will just says ‘Tickets Available’. If you never want a count use -1 but still want available/sold out.
Important: the data is cached – so availability is not real time – so fast moving tickets may not be accurately reflected. You may wish to set the plugin cache time to lower than 24 hours, but I don’t suggest less than 1 hour on a production site for performance reasons.

Display Prices

show_prices [default false] (true or false) If set to true the price range of tickets will be displayed ( inc fees) e.g. £20-£55 . If all tickets are free, then free is displayed.

Enable on-site Checkout via Popup

popup [default false] (true or false) if popup=’true’ all click actions ( except readmore ) will open a ticket purchase popup / modal on your site. Additionally the tickets and newtab parameters are ignored Please note: for popup to work your site must have a valid SSL otherwise the popup will not work, this is an Eventbrite requirement, and the popup code from Eventbrite doesn’t handle series in the way their direct checkout does, so popup is not recommended when you use series, and definitely problematic is you also set first_of_series as users have no way to selected other dates )

Popup for full description

long_description_modal [default false] (true or false) if long_description_modal=’true’, for applicable themes, the 'readmore' link will be disabled and a link to a 'stay on site' model a full description will be enabled. Note: to change the text from View details there is a filter

add_filter ('wfea_modal_view_details_text', function() { return 'your text' );

Set API Key – Multiple account feeds

api_key [default API key in settings] (text) sets the API Key used by the display. This defaults to the API key in settings. This can be used to have multiple businesses on the same site.

Set Calendar Default Views

cal_default_view [default “month”](text) change the default view for the calendar view. The choice is “month” or “agendaWeek”.

Set Calendar List Center Header

cal_list_header_center [default ”]( allowed buttons) Allowed buttons = title prev next prevYear nextYear today. Buttons can be combined with commas , e.g. prev,next – calendar list header center.

Set Calendar List Days

cal_list_days [default 0](integer) sets the numbers of days on the calendar list view. By default the view is monthly, but set to 90 days to give the next 90 days, 365 for the next 365 etc.

Set Calendar List Left Header

cal_list_header_left [default title]( allowed buttons) Use to customise the calendar list header buttons, set all three (left, center, right) to ” (empty) to have no header. Allowed buttons = title prev next prevYear nextYear today. Buttons can be combined with commas , e.g. prev,next

Set Calendar List Right Header

cal_list_header_right [default prev,next]( allowed buttons) see above – calendar list header right.

Set Canceled Events button text

canceled_event_button [book now button text]  (string ) If left blank the ‘Book Now’ text is used, otherwise this text will be used for events that have been canceled. By default the button will have a disabled class ( as well as an canceled_event__link class ). You can override this e.g. unavailable_text=’Cancelled,myclass-a myclass-b’.

Set Coming soon Events button text

coming_soon_button [default nothing] (text) If specified, the buy now button will display the text if tickets are available at a future date e.g. coming_soon_button=”Coming Soon!”. By default this will have a class of coming_soon__link so you can style differently. you can override the class by separating the text with a comma e.g. coming_soon_button=”Coming Soon!,my-class-1 my-class-2″

Set link to custom page

link_custom_page[default nothing] ( url ) if you set this – then any link on the display will link to another page. This is most useful if you have a summary page, like calendar or grid and you want to link to a full landing page. If you use the shortcode on the landing page it will display the related event if you specify the url with an id parameter. Example link_custom_page=”/single-event?wfea_eb_id={id}’. See an example here ->

Set Past Events button text

past_event_button [book now button text]  (string ) If left blank the ‘Book Now’ text is used, otherwise this text will be used for events that have completed. By default the button will have a disabled class ( as well as an past_event__link class ). You can override this e.g. _event_button=’Finito!,myclass-a myclass-b’.

Set Postponed Events button text

postponed_button [book now button text]  (string ) If left blank the ‘Book Now’ text is used, otherwise this text will be used for events that have been set to postponed. By default the button will have a disabled class ( as well as an postponed_event__link class ). You can override this e.g. postponed_button=’Will be rescheduled,myclass-a myclass-b’.

Set Sales Ended button text

sales_ended_button [book now button text]  (string ) If left blank the ‘Book Now’ text is used, otherwise this text will be used for events that have been past their sales ended date. Be aware of plugin and site wide caching, if your cache is 24 hours then you may not see this in time. By default the button will have a disabled class ( as well as an postponed_event__link class ). You can override this e.g. sales_ended_button=Too late,myclass-a myclass-b’.

Set Sold Out Events button text

sold_out_button [default nothing] (text) If specified, the buy now button will display the text if the event is sold out e.g. sold_out_button=”Sold Out!”. The buy now button is also disabled ( but not other links ). Disabling is done by a class, by default this will have sold_out__link and disabled class. you can override the class by separating the text with a comma e.g. sold_out_button=”Sold Out!,my-class-1 my-class-2″

Set Started Events button text

started_event_button [book now button text]  (string ) If left blank the ‘Book Now’ text is used, otherwise this text will be used for events that have started, note cache times will make this inaccurate. By default the button will not be disabled class ( only a started_event__link class ). You can override this e.g. started_event_button=’Started,started_event__link disabled’.

Set Unavailable Events button text

unavailable_button [default nothing] (text) If specified, the buy now button will display the text if no tickets are available, this can occur for instance when an event is cancelled e.g. unavailable_button=”Unavailable!”. The buy now button is also disabled ( but not other links ). Disabling is done by a class, by default this will have unavailable__link and disabled class. you can override the class by separating the text with a comma e.g. unavailable_button=”Unavailable!,my-class-1 my-class-2″

Major League Options

Enable Pagination

events_per_page [default 0]  (int) set to a non zero number e.g. 10 to display paginated results. Pagination, will adopt your theme's default pagination style

Enable Search

search_box [default false] (true or false) if true displays the search box, please note Eventbrite only allows you to search the events you own, you cannot search for events outside your organisations.

Set Pagination Position

paginate_position [default both]  (top, bottom, both, none) will determine where the pagination is displayed relative to the output

Set Search Box Button Text

search_box_button [default ‘Search’] (text) sets the text on the search button

Set Search Box Text

search_box_text [default 'Search events'] (text) sets the p[placeholder text for the search box. 

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